A one man rant about novel writing, publishing, and other "artistic" pursuits.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


While perusing some of the flash fiction on-line magazines, I recently checked out the current issue of insolent rudder to see what these folks have going on, as I have usually enjoyed the stories they've served up in the past couple issues, not to mention the fact that, over the summer, I submitted a story to them.

When the site loaded and I was scanning the contents, my subconscious pimpslapped me a nano-second before my concscious caught up: "Hey," my subconscious said, cuffing me in the noggin', "you know that title."

Then my conscious caught up: "Hell," it said, "you wrote that story!"

Sure enough, insolent rudder had accepted my story,published it in Fall 2006 issue of their magazine and, for whatever reason, I never was notified of said acceptance.

I'm not complaining, however. It looks great, I like the story, and the graphic seems to have been designed especially for the story and doesn't appear to be some stock photo they just laid in next to my words. Very cool.

The name of the story is "The Things I've Lost" and concerns how a fifty-two year old man commits one act of infidelity and ruins his marriage, his family, and his life--all in less than seven hundred words.

If anyone ever reads this cyberspace vaccuum I call a 'blog, please check out the story (or Lockdown in the April 2006 issue of rumble) and let me know what you think.

I mean it: Put down that coffee and donut, dammit, and do it now! Then come back here and leave something in the damn comments section. And no, I don't really care that this is the first post in three months. Just do it!

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