Based on an e-mail query letter I sent, the Kristin Nelson Literary Agency (she was the agent I was supposed to see at the writers conference)has asked to see the first 30 pages of GodTalk. Interestingly, she said she was not interested in the synopsis (she doesn't like to know too much about the story), but that she wants another cover letter with publication credentials, personal bio information, and my pitch (Thank God for the pitch workshop I took).
Also, I noticed a quote on her blog that went something like this, "Since I'm so gung ho lately for YA. . ." Yes!
My plan is to get it in the mail this week.
Interestingly, the first agent I showed it to (at the conference) said he thought it was good writing and that he could see an agent being interested in it. The very next agent I queried asked for 30 pages. I still have a package at Serendipity Literary Agency in Brooklyn, NY. It will be interesting to see what they say.
Labels: agents, Godtalk, submissions, writers conferences