A one man rant about novel writing, publishing, and other "artistic" pursuits.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Here's a random update of writing news:


* The Kristin Nelson Literary Agency read the partial (30 pages) of GODTALK and ultimately passed. Kindly, they said the writing was solid, but felt that the theme was too familiar. I'm not exactly sure what that means other than they feel like they've read the same kind of thing before. I was also encouraged by the fact that they said they reviewed the pages several times. That suggests that they were (seriously?) considering requesting a full.

* Once that rejection came in, I began querying in earnest for GODTALK. I sent out 6 queries in two days. The world has changed a lot since I was querying for BAD MOON RISING. Namely, many agents now accept e-queries. One e-query I sent was to the Harvey Klinger Literary Management, Inc., to agent Sara Crowe. Within an hour, she e-mailed back and ASKED TO SEE THE WHOLE MANUSCRIPT. Since she said e-mail was fine, I consolidated the chapter files into one full file and fired it off the next day. Right now, GODTALK is under consideration by a big-time New York agency!!! I can't be sure, but I wonder if she bothered to Google me since I mentioned "Lockdown" in the cover letter and if that story had any leverage in getting her to request the book. I wanted to pursue flash for just that reason, and now it looks like it just may have worked. On the other hand, I have also received two rejections from the six I've sent out, though.

* Still no word, though, from Serediptity Literary Agency. They've had the whole manuscript for about three months.


* I've had positive comments from a number of on-line journals about many of my flash pieces, especially "Biker Bitch" and "Brian's Bride." elimae said they thought "Brian's Bride" was well-written" and would "find a home somewhere." Toasted Cheese said that "Billy's Valentine" had "made through the first round of readings" and that they would let me know in August what their decision is.

* I've just revised a piece called "The Miracle" that I think is some of the best writing I've done. I also just finished the first draft of a piece called "The Assistant" that I think is absolutely dreck. That's how it goes. . .

Now that it's summer, I'm hoping to get a few more flash pieces cranked out and praying that Sara Crowe from Harvey Klinger wants to rep GODTALK.

P.S. I'm hoping this fall to start a new young adult novel--kind of a mystery/ghost story combo.

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