A one man rant about novel writing, publishing, and other "artistic" pursuits.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I've given up looking up my sales and royalty account at the iUniverse website because, well, why? I've spent zero energy marketing my teaching book (You're a Teacher. . .So Act Like One! Improving Your Stage Presence in the Classroom). Okay, maybe "zero" is too strong a word; recently, I sent a copy to the director of the program in our school district for supporting beginning teachers, the theory being that maybe they might benefit from a book showing them how to be better presenters in class.

To date, no response.

Nevertheless, as I was bored one day right before we were released for Winter Break I decided, just for laughs, to check the sales and royalties account for my book. Christmastime truly is a time for miracles because, miraculously, I discovered that last August I sold three books. How? To Whom? Why? Only God (and iUniverse) know for certain.

All I know is that my account went from saying "No activity shown this period" (since say, oh, the beginning of 2004) to "Royalty Account Balance: $6.51."

Yeah me.

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