A one man rant about novel writing, publishing, and other "artistic" pursuits.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


According to the website for The Nelson Literary Agency, they are looking for literary and young adult fiction that is "high concept" with a commercial bent. It is mostly for that reason, then, that I chose Kristin Nelson as the person with whom I would have a read-and-critique at the Southern California Writers Conference this coming February. Since November 3 (my last post), I have been working tightening the first two chapters as sample chapters, composing an intriguing cover letter, and writing a succinct synopsis.

I have decided to bide my time and not send out even a single query until after I hear what Ms. Nelson has to say about Godtalk. If she is not interested, then I will flood the postal service with query letters, synopses, and sample chapters about a young boy who says God has given him a private audience

So: some time last week, I sent a cover letter, page and a half synopsis, and the first two chapters of Godtalk to her, in care of the conference. It is, of course, my hope that she will ask to see the entire manuscript. And then, of course, wish to represent it. And then, of course, to sell it at auction for six figures.

But I get ahead of myself.

Let's start with: I hope she actually reads the sixteen pages I sent her.

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Blogger d-wain said...

I'm intrigued by the title of your YA book, and I hope to one day have the opportunity to read it. Best of luck.

10:26 PM


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