A one man rant about novel writing, publishing, and other "artistic" pursuits.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


In working on chapter 17 of GodTalk, it was the third time during the course of writing the first draft of the novel that I had written so much (17 pages double-spaced and counting) that I felt compelled to split it into two chapters. If I left it as it stood, the chapter would have seemed disproportinately longer than all the preceding chapters and, in my estimation, would have thrown off the pacing.

Sometimes a long sequence or a serious occurence warrants a longer treatment, but not this time. While chapter 17, as I noted in the last post, is the climax of the main conflict, I noticed a natural break right after the resolution of the conflict of the main subplot, so I broke the chapter at that point. Consequently, despite what I said in the last post (that I was working on Chapter 17 of 18), the first draft will come in at nineteen chapters total.

There will be no need to split any further chapters. The last chapter is really more of an epilogue and will be, at most, five or six pages.

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