A one man rant about novel writing, publishing, and other "artistic" pursuits.

Friday, July 29, 2005


Yesterday I noticed that Chapter 9 was getting very, very long. It was 17 pages single spaced (about 30 pages). I remembered, though, a spot where I said, "Hey, that sounds like an ending, but I have so much more to include." So I went back, just before the last day of summer school, and made that "ending" the ending of Chapter 9 and made what was left into Chapter 10. It seemed to work really well, and now I have 128 pages in the novel and about 5 chapters to go. The length should work out just about right.

Not a bad way to start a vacation.

I'm taking the laptop to Big Bear. With any luck, I'll have some of Chapter 11 done by the time I return.

See you in a week or so.

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